Depending on your news source, some say the worst of the coronavirus is behind us, while others aren’t so sure. Either way, it ain’t over. So until our socializing can become less distant and until #StayAtHome morphs into #ImOuttaHere, we present for your consideration…some cool things to do while cooped up with COVID.
Quarantine and chill
These films are illuminating, empowering and, if they are not on your watch list, that is something you shall have to remedy. Grab some snacks, commandeer the remote and enjoy…
Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution
Produced by the Obamas, this documentary is raw, real and simultaneously demonstrates how much more inclusive society has become and how far we have yet to go. The film follows a group of teenagers with disabilities from there eye-opening summer camp experience in the early ’70s to their historic battle for disability rights on the national stage. (Available on Netflix.)
Take a Look at this Heart
This is a wonderful film about love, sexuality and the human bond within the disability community. Director Ben Duffy explores the personal stories of 17 different people from all walks of life who candidly share their experiences with life and love. They send the message home loud and clear—not only is intimacy is defined by something far deeper than the physical, it is completely adaptable. (Available on Amazon Prime.)
Wampler’s Ascent
Steven Wampler is a husband, a dad and a man with cerebral palsy who scaled El Capitan in Yosemite, pulling out all the stops to raise money and awareness for his wilderness camp for kids with disabilities. In this is heartfelt story, Steven propels himself to the summit of one of the world’s largest monoliths through sheer force of will and a staggering 20,000 pull-ups. (Available on Amazon Prime.)
Get moving!
Self-isolation does not and should not equal inactivity. Determined to help you stay fit while you stay home, some of our favorite Abilities Expo personalities (and others) are leveraging their social media to get your body moving, blood pumping and endorphins flowing. All free!
Infinite Flow – An Inclusive Dance Company
Head over to Infinite Flow’s Facebook page for live dance instruction from Marisa Hamamoto, Piotr Iwanicki and the rest of the crew. This professional dance company integrates dancers with and without disabilities and use dance to inspire inclusion and innovation.
Chelsie Hill
Rollettes Founder Chelsie Hill’s live Instagram dance class teaches the moves invites the audience to post themselves once their mastered the routine. “Seeing you all recreate & put your own passion into my choreo gives me CHILLS,” Chelsie writes.

Chair Yoga Class from Jackie Gadd
Yoga guru Jackie Gadd of BYOM YOGA has launched a new accessible chair yoga program to accommodate people with disabilities, whether they are skilled or novice yogis. At her live streaming classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 am PDT, Jackie will work on strengthening muscles, improving coordination and stretching to improve range of motion and elasticity of tissues. One major focus with be breathwork to calm the nervous system and energize the spirit. Access her website for a password to participate.

Adapt to Perform
No in-home gym? No problem. Got a broom? Perfect! Stay in shape with some quality homegrown fitness programs with Adapt to Perform’s Ben Clark. Long before the coronavirus upended the world, Ben was a firm believer in adapting fitness to the disability community. His YouTube channel features workouts, nutrition, advice, motivation for any and all situations.
Just for fun and laughs
The avalanche of memes and videos have been a welcome source of entertainment and, sometimes, hard core belly laughs. We’ve compiled a few here for your enjoyment.
Your challenge, and we hope you accept it, is to add to our collection with those boredom-busting videos you’ve created at home or the ones that tickled your funny bone online. Just email the YouTube URLs to [email protected]. And keep it clean. Well, clean-ish.
Things that make you go hmmmm

‘Nuff said.