As a physical therapist, health coach and author I strongly relate to Abilities Expo’s mission, “to connect the disability community to live and online resources that promote greater independence.” Personal and professional experience showed me the importance of self-awareness and education about simple, cost-effective self-care practices for caregivers and individuals they serve, who are living with disabilities. Seva acupressure for stress release is key to helping the loved ones that give so much.

In 2015 the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation invited me to be part of their Care for the Caregiver Day on Expo Sundays. It is an honor to raise awareness and share insights and tools for self-care with caregivers, whose capacity to support others is often stretched beyond limits.
Soul Lightening Acupressure in Action
In 2015, I began offering free hands-on demos of the Seva Acupressure for Stress Release program to attendees Abilities Expos. “Seva” means compassionate, selfless service in Sanskrit. The Seva program—developed and used at Ground Zero in NYC after the events of September 11—has been part of research projects at Towson State University, Walter Reed Medical Center and the University of Maryland Medical Center with their first facial transplant.
Soul Lightening International (SLI), non-profit organization teaching Process and Clinical Acupressure workshops, is dedicated to the outreach efforts of the Spirit of Seva Project, an experiment in giving, believing that selfless service promotes much needed authenticity, honesty, integrity, and generosity in the world.
Process Acupressure works through the body’s energy systems to assist with conscious development and realization of soul purpose. Clinical Acupressure specializes in the dynamic, multi-dimensional aspects of the human energy system, but does not incorporate psycho-spiritual processing skills.
SLI’s mission is to cultivate soul actualization and purpose in the world, to further human evolution, health and awakening, for the preservation of the family and the global community.
The four basic principles of Soul Lightening Acupressure (SLA) are:
- Energy flow in the body promotes wellness and opens new awareness.
- Touch and the flow of love from the heart are healing and strengthening.
- Every person carries their own healing and wisdom within.
- The purpose of SLA is to empower this inherent wisdom.
Acupressure, based on the same ancient principles as acupuncture, uses curved finger pressure on acupoints. SLA integrates traditional healing principles with a method for awakening higher consciousness and soul expression, and has a positive impact on families, communities and the world. The Dalai Lama said “although creating world peace through individual transformation is difficult… it is the only way.”
Take Charge of your Well Being with Acupressure
Acupressure for Anyone (A4A) is the global educational outreach program of SLI, designed to teach individuals of any age, profession or educational background to take charge of their health using acupressure. Simple methods and acupressure formulas are presented that can be applied to manage stress and enhance health, self-awareness and well-being.
A4A workshops, offered in 3-hour modules, can be tailored to the needs of specific communities. The program empowers individuals to take charge of their health and well-being, and is an ideal offering for Integrative Medicine Centers, Corporate Wellness programs, and community centers. A4A provides a way for uninsured or underinsured individuals to help themselves and their families in communities where reliable health care does not exist. A4A also provides a way to learn how to manage chronic or traumatic stress, ideal for military families, first responders, nurses, home health practitioners, etc.
The first two workshops in the A4A series, Seva Acupressure for Stress Release Parts 1 and 2, teach how to use Seva acupressure for self-care and with others, seated and lying down. Seva can be used for general relaxation and well-being or shock and stress. Seva Part 1 is a pre-requisite to Part 2, and both classes are pre-requisites to other workshops in the A4A series. Six hours of continuing education are available for Seva Parts 1 and 2 for massage therapists (NCBTMB), nurses (AHNA), and Asian Bodyworkers (NCCAOM).
Aminah Raheem, Ph.D., is the originator and Spiritual Director of SLA®. She has worked for over 30 years as a transpersonal psychologist, bodyworker, and teacher. Dr. Raheem was adjunct faculty at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology for 10 years. She is the author of Soul Return: Integrating Body, Psyche and Spirit; Soul Lightning: Awakening Soul Consciousness; and The Way of Soul Lightening. Dr. Raheem is also a Zero Balancing Teacher and practitioner.
About the Author:
Regina Rosenthal is a physical therapist, teacher, author, and health coach who has worked in the healing arts and sciences for thirty years. She has presented seminars nationally and internationally to physicians, health professionals, and community groups, and has worked in hospital, university, home care, and private practice settings. Regina is an Advanced Practitioner and Instructor of “Process Acupressure” and “Acupressure for Anyone” through Soul Lightening Acupressure, a non-profit corporation providing training, education, and service to health professionals and community groups throughout the world.