URO Urinary Suspensory System: No More Tourniquet-Style Leg Straps!
By Celeste Bonham, Uro Concepts, Inc.
If you use a urinary catheter, you know the trials and tribulations of a leg bag all too well. When the leg straps let the bag slide, you tighten them, inadvertently constricting circulation to the legs and chafing the skin. I’m sure there are medieval tortures that are more pleasant! It all happened to my dad, which is why I invented a fix. I call it the URO Urinary Suspensory System.
There’s Just No Saying NO to Mom
I remember the telephone call from my mother asking me to help her come up with a way to hold my dad’s urinary leg bag—which kept falling down his leg when it became filled and heavy—causing a very embarrassing experience for him.
My first response was, “No!” I was getting ready to go back into the motion picture industry and the last thing I was interested in was figuring out a way to hold up a leg bag. I said, “Mom! I do not want to think about dad’s urine holder. I am going back into the film business!”
I think I get my determination and strong will from my mother, who did not hear me say, “No.” She said, “Just do this for your dad (and me)—he needs you.” Guilt, guilt, guilt—apparently it works for me and the next thing I know I cleared my desk from scripts, etc., and laid out leg bags, condom catheters, tubing, etc. etc. etc.—and a carrot (for obvious reasons). I was on my way to find a way to hold up my dad’s leg bag!
I soon realized that leg straps are SO ARCHAIC. Do they hale from the Jurassic period? Why ‘strap’ on a vessel for holding urine when the leg is larger at the thigh and gradually gets smaller down the leg? The straps need to be so tight to hold the leg bag securely during any physical activities, which can constrict blood flow to the lower leg. This is not good!
I remember going to one of my attorney’s offices with a box filled with all the urinary products from the major manufacturers that I could find. I emptied all the samples onto his conference table and asked him, “Have you ever seen an uglier group of products?” He quickly said, “No!” THAT was the moment the lightbulb went on over my head and I decided to change the “look” of incontinence and make products more user friendly and help bring back normalcy for the user.
After many ideas, the undergarment leg bag holder was designed and created. Once my dad began to use it to hold his leg bag in the interior pockets, he said to me, “I love this pant.” That was as good as gold to me! At that point, there was no turning back. Uro Concepts Inc. was founded… and the scripts stayed in the drawer.
URO Urinary Suspensory Systems Revolutionizes Living with a Catheter
The constrictive leg straps—I call them tourniquets—are just the worst. They chafe the skin, causing painful ulcers. They constrict circulation to the lower legs, which is dangerous for wheelchair users, older adults, those with poor circulation, people in danger of blood clots, or…anyone, really. As the bladder empties, the urinary drainage bags fill and weigh down on the leg straps causing the leg bag to drop down the leg and disengage, causing embarrassing incidents. To further secure them, you tighten the leg straps, exacerbating the skin and circulation issues. Vicious circle!
On the other hand, the new URO Urinary Suspensory System works together seamlessly to help you get out there and live your life. It’s ideal for both men and women with all lifestyles. The product includes:
- A comfortable, reusable, unisex undergarment with interior leg pockets that safely secures your leg bags
- Two vinyl 600 ml leg bags
- Two 6″ tubes with connectors which attach to a condom catheter
It is also excellent for use with a variety of different catheters including condom sheath, Foley, Ileal conduit, suprapubic and nephrostomy (right, left or bi-lateral).
And, drum roll please, it is covered by Medicare! (Code: HPCS #A5105). A prescription entitles you to one complete system per month.
Raising Wheels Dad LOVES the URO Urinary Suspensory System for his Boys
You may remember the Copp family from their Fixer Upper fame, when Chip and Joanna Gaines remodeled their home to make it completely accessible. They have since launched the Raising Wheels Foundation to help other families with disabilities.
Born with a rare mitochondrial condition, both Calan (14) and Lawson (11) use wheelchairs and catheters. “I found the [URO Urinary Suspensory system] via an email from the Abilities Expo,” said Jody Copp, the boys’ dad. “There aren’t many items I just have to try, but this was one of them!”
“This is such a wonderful product and I absolutely love the story behind the company. Necessity is the mother of all invention, and Celeste’s father was lucky to have her care enough to not only help him, but also help others as well.”
And Jody’s experience is far from unique. After experiencing our product, one man with diabetes stated emphatically, “I will never use leg straps again!” The leg straps constantly rubbing against his thigh had caused the skin to break down and open ulcers to develop.
“My Dad said anyone who is in a situation like him and has to have a catheter 24/7, or for any amount of time, is crazy if they don’t have this product,” said a grateful son whose father was finally comfortable enough to get back to enjoying the things he used to do. “Just wanted to give a BIG thumbs up on such a great invention!”
See the URO Urinary Suspensory System at Abilities Expo Houston
We could not be more excited for our Abilities Expo debut on August 4-6 in Houston! But wherever you are, if you are a catheter user frustrated with the status quo of leg bag life, we can help you.
Visit us at booth #716 or online at uroconcepts.com. Purchase options are tailored to your needs. You can:
- Buy the system directly.
- If you have Medicare or Medicaid, you can contact one of our top-notch distributors.
- If you would like assistance, please complete the referral form to request a distributor to process through Medicare or Medicaid.
And we saved the best for last! Expo-goers will enjoy a special show-only discount, and everybody can get 10% off using the promo code THANKYOU10.