Home OrCam Redefines Access for People with Low Vision and Blindness

OrCam Redefines Access for People with Low Vision and Blindness

OrCam Technologies is changing the lives of tens of thousands of people worldwide with breakthrough assistive technology that enables people who are blind or visually impaired to read text, recognize faces, identify products—and much more. But don’t take anybody’s word but the people who are loving their improved access and newfound independence.

OrCam Read Helps Kid with Dyslexia

The first-of-its-kind OrCam Read is a personal AI-driven handheld digital reader with a smart camera that seamlessly reads text from any printed surface or digital screen. OrCam Read transforms the reading experience of students with reading challenges, including dyslexia, dyspraxia, and mild to moderate vision impairment.

Having previously used assistive technology that required line-by-line scanning of sentences, Aidan set his heart on the OrCam Read solution and has since been blown away by its ability to help him quickly read full pages of text. Now he can use the OrCam Read to read his beloved Harry Potter books, code at home on his computer, and use it at school to help with his classwork.

Aidan explains: “I am able to do schoolwork by myself now! And I can read a whole book through and enjoy it, on my own. The OrCam Read is great—and dependable.”

Aidan’s mum, Katharine, has also been very impressed with the device: “The OrCam Read has helped Aidan to promptly read the teachers’ instructions and the research linked to it—thereby enabling him to understand, undertake and successfully complete the tasks. Since using the OrCam Read, Aidan has had a very glowing school report which strongly suggests that his abilities are further developing.”

OrCam MyEye Increases Independence for Blind Woman

Janet’s sight started to deteriorate when she was 15 years old, due to a rare form of glaucoma. By 21, the young woman from County Down in Northern Ireland had completely lost her sight.

As an independent member of the Northern Ireland Policing Board, Janet and its other members have a range of legislative duties to meet and hold the Chief Constable to account for the delivery of the policing service. Recognising the immense value of the OrCam MyEye to Janet and her work, the Northern Ireland Policing Board decided to provide her with funding for the assistive technology device.

Since September 2020, Janet has been using the OrCam MyEye to increase her independence and support her professional life. The device allows her to instantly read documents in hardcopy and digitally from a computer, iPad or phone, at home or in meetings. The OrCam MyEye works completely offline and does not store any of the text she reads. This design ensures complete data privacy, which is of paramount importance as Janet often reads highly confidential and sensitive documents in her day-to-day work.

Janet has also found that, with the OrCam MyEye, her disability becomes less conspicuous during meetings, as she can also now read presentations or information at the same time as other board members.

The device’s special facial recognition feature helps Janet in meetings to ascertain which of her fellow board members are present and where they are seated in the room, ensuring that she can address her colleagues as seamlessly as if she were sighted. But, importantly for Janet, she can also disable the feature so that it doesn’t interfere with the meeting after their introductions. This has further enhanced her ability to independently navigate meetings.

Janet explains: “The OrCam MyEye is amazing. It gives me the freedom to read my own letters, documents, papers, bank statements and also digital text on any screen. It’s an incredible device and my colleagues, friends and family are genuinely amazed by it. It’s very discreet, versatile, easy to operate and helps improve my independence in everyday life.”

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