Hello, everyone! I’m one member of a group of graduate student researchers working under the guidance of our professor Dr. Yan-hua Huang, who is a licensed occupational therapist.
We are conducting a study about the relationship between clothing, self-perception and quality of life for women who are wheelchair users and women without mobility disabilities. This study is a continuation of a qualitative study we conducted over the past year exploring the meaning of clothing for adults with physical disabilities. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive from this initial inquiry, and we are set to share our findings at professional conferences later this year.
CSU OTs Seek to Improve Dressing and Clothing for Women with Disabilities
We are hoping to continue this line of research and so we are asking for your help. We have created a survey which asks questions about one’s clothing choices as well as their beliefs about themselves and their life. The survey is open to women-identifying individuals with and without disabilities. Our goal with this research is to use our findings to help improve dressing and clothing interventions in occupational therapy and other healthcare professions. All participants will be eligible for a drawing to win a $100 gift card. There will be a total of (2) gift cards raffled off.
You can access the survey here: tinyurl.com/clothingsurveycsudh
All countries and geographic areas are eligible for participation.
Inclusion criteria:
- Identify as a woman (trans/gnc folks welcome too!)
- Between the ages of 18 to 50 years old
- Be able to understand English
- Be able to respond to the survey questions