If you overheard someone claiming to be a “life coach,” you may groan or wonder to yourself how someone outside of you could ever begin to understand well enough to strategize your life! You may even project the types of advice you’d hear from the person. “Just try to walk normally” was one gem given to me on a consult. No thanks.

Executive Function Coaching Improves Outcomes
But, what if you could work with a coach who truly understood your position, your challenges, your life because he or she lives similarly, too? Someone who is trained in the skill sets we need to grow as humans and do so with dignity, in the context of our AHD or autism?
The fields of ADHD and autism coaching are growing, and for good reason. According to the Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, coaching is “highly effective at helping students improve their learning and executive function skills.” Executive function describes the broad and multi-layered skills that you use to manage your life; organizing, prioritizing, planning and time-management all fall into the category of executive function. When you work with a coach, he or she can give you strategies to improve the way you use your skills, thus, often rapidly improving your outcomes.

Coaching differs from traditional talk therapies or counseling. Both types of services aim to help improve your life, but their methodologies are different. Therapy aims to help you heal and learn from your past; coaching, on the other hand, focuses on developing your future. Both types of support can be helpful in your personal journey.
If you’re interested in ADHD or autism coaching for yourself or your child, keep in mind that because it’s a very personal process, you’ll need to find a coach that meshes well with you. You can expect to meet with a few coaches before finding “the one.” You can also expect to spend between $100-$300 an hour, fees mostly not yet covered by insurance. However, many coaches will offer packages that include time together as well as text and email check-ins, making the value higher for your investment.

How do you find the right coach for you?
If you’re new to ADHD or autism, or you’re facing a new challenge, coaching may be just the right support for your life. You can find more information about coaching here:
ACO: ADHD Coaches Organization
CHADD: Children and Adults with ADHD
VeryWell Living Autism Coaching Information
About the Author:
Sarah is an Executive Function Coach, author, host of Executive Function Podcast and award-winning educator. Sarah supports families and students through her role on the advisory board for the Charcot Marie Tooth Association, an organization helping those with her neuromuscular disease, CMT. Sarah’s passion is for changing people’s perspectives on ability and inclusion. Learn more: Sarahkesty.com