We all want to see ourselves represented in media and society. AbleThrive’s #ThisIsHowI campaign is bringing visibility to people with disabilities and their families by shedding light on how people are living their lives around the world.
AbleThrive’s Curated Disability-Focused Content Shares Know-How
Kicked off in December 2016 on the International Day of People with Disabilities, the campaign highlights what’s possible. Each week, AbleThrive shares a single #ThisIsHowI video submitted from the disability community, demonstrating the creativity and innovations of the individuals who comprise it. These videos feature anything from exercising to cooking to getting dressed. Periodically, AbleThrive shares a compilation video, like this one recently released:
Whether you get a hand, use a device, build your own, rely on a friend or do it yourself, there’s always a way to do whatever you would like to do. This latest compilation includes a variety of activities that showcase the diverse ways people adapt to their situation to live their lives to the fullest.
Take mowing the lawn, for example. There are two clips—one from a quadriplegic who is teaching his daughter to use a push-mower, and one who is controlling a remote control lawnmower he built himself. Either way, the lawn gets mowed. There are also examples ranging from enjoying a vacation, to drinking wine, to using tools and even going through a drive thru.

But that is not all. Multiple clips include everything from exercising at the gym, to giving a TEDx talk, to rolling down a runway, gardening, even putting on mascara! Each activity has been adapted to the person who shared the video. Everyone does things differently, and there’s a beauty to that. As one man who uses a wheelchair says in the video, “We are incredible, no matter what limitations are set in front of us.”
AbleThrive’s library of videos have accumulated more than a half a million views and 12,000 shares on social media, bringing unprecedented visibility to the lives and abilities of people with disabilities. A lot of the videos represent activities that many people without disability experience assume aren’t possible. The typical media representation of disability doesn’t often reflect the everyday lives and realities of our community, and AbleThrive wants to change that. They believe in living life to the fullest and showing what’s possible. If you agree, share their video and help show the world what’s possible.
What’s Your Special Life Hack?
If you have a video you’d like to submit, share it with AbleThrive — we’re always looking for new videos to feature each week. So if you do something that you’re proud of or most people assume you can’t do, capture it on video and send it in. Need ideas? Try #ThisIsHowI type, use a phone, dance, play with my kids, get dressed, drive a car, drive my wheelchair, garden, fish, play basketball…the possibilities are endless!
For more information about AbleThrive, visit www.ablethrive.com and check out weekly #ThisIsHowI videos on Facebook.