We spend so much time worrying about our physical conditions, about diagnoses, that we often fail to grasp how much of an impact our thoughts and emotions have on our overall well-being. Think about how many ailments and diseases that doctors attribute to “stress.” I know when I’m really worrying about things, I experience increased pain, stomach issues and even flares in my psoriasis. Luckily, though, with a little training, we can take control of our minds. This is where meditation and general mindfulness training come in.

Take a Deep Breath. Clear Your Mind.
Most forms of meditation involve clearing our busy, cluttered minds—which is quite freeing in the moments we’re able to achieve this. Other meditation practices involve following a guide’s voice or focusing on something that feels good. Often guided meditations, chants or other music is useful for people new to meditation because it can take some practice to learn to calm the mind.
Not sure where to start? Begin by carving out 5 minutes a day to listen to a guided meditation (find them on YouTube, Spotify and other streaming platforms), or find a peaceful place to sit in silence. Then, take long, deliberate, life-affirming breaths and do your best redirect your mind to your breathing when it begins to wander (which it will surely do).
Like anything, meditation takes practice, so don’t give up. Your brain is one stubborn muscle. Once you experience the benefits, though, you’ll probably want to increase the time you dedicate to the practice. I typically meditate for 20 minutes each day.
Adjust Your Focus on the Here and Now
Mindfulness, on the other hand, is about being present in each moment. Because so many of the things we do are routine, we tend to operate on auto-pilot much of the time. Our experience becomes richer and more meaningful when we use all our senses to take in the world around us. It’s actually living the little things, like feeling the rain drops on your skin instead of rushing to get out of the weather and tasting your food instead of just gobbling it town.
Mindfulness is also great for fostering gratitude. When we’re washing our hands and focusing on how wonderful the water feels (instead of your to-do list), it’s easy to feel thankful for the fact you have warm, running water. When we’re feeling thankful, it’s much more difficult to be stressed. That simple awareness shifts our entire being.
Join Kristina at her Houston Abilities Expo Workshop
During my workshop on Mindfulness and Meditation, we’ll be covering the basics of the law of attraction too! As we learn to take control of our thoughts, this universal law is standing by to support us in creating our best lives. We don’t always realize that the way we’ve learned to think can be detrimental to manifesting what we want. Limiting beliefs and fear-based thought habits often keep us from following a path that will lead to that which we strive for.
I offer virtual holistic life-coaching services to clients from my home in New Mexico, so if anyone would like to learn more, they can do so here.

Learn more about Kristina’s Flower of Life Retreat in New Mexico during the Houston Expo.
This year, I also founded Flower of Life Retreats, in which I facilitate wellness and spiritual retreats in the beautiful, historic hot springs town of Truth or Consequences. The first retreat is in October, in partnership with Push Living, and will be an intimate, rustic empowerment retreat for women in wheelchairs. There are still a few spots open, reserve yours here.
Meet & Greet with Kristina Rhoades in the Cure Medical Booth
Cure Medical Note: Before and after her workshop on Friday, August 3rd, Kristina Rhoades will be visiting with Expo attendees in the Cure Medical booth #313. Stop by and chat with Kristina about your holistic health questions and thoughts! She will also be on hand to answer any questions you have about your catheter of choice and ways to make that process easier as well.
I recently learned that the catheters I had been using all of my life contained chemicals that I had already been avoiding for years.
But, that’s now a thing of the past. Thankfully, I discovered catheters made by Cure Medical—they aren’t made with scary chemicals like DEHP, BPA or natural rubber latex. Now, with Cure, I can rest assured that I’m using medical products that I feel are best for my body.
In case you don’t know, DEHP (Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate) is a chemical commonly used in traditional catheter manufacturing. The chemical is a plastic softener that is often used in the manufacturing process to make PVC more flexible.
Did you know the incidence rate of bladder cancer in people who have spinal cord injury (SCI) is 16 to 28 times higher than that of the general population?
That’s according to a research study published by model SCI center Craig Rehabilitation Hospital, and it’s one of the main reasons why I choose not to use medical products that contain known carcinogens. Nearly all of us in the SCI community know someone who has had to fight bladder cancer, and I believe it’s important to educate each other on ways to stay well.
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About Kristina Rhoades and Cure Medical
Meet Cure Medical Advocate Kristina Rhoades at the Houston Abilities Expo in Booth #313!
If you or someone you know is interested in life coaching in the areas of personal and spiritual development, goal setting, law of attraction, leadership, holistic wellness or coping with injury, Kristina offers a free half hour session for introductions. To find out how you can support the Flower of Life retreat or stay informed about the fall event, visit Kristina’s website at www.kristinarhoades.com or connect on Facebook or Instagram.
Note: The information in this article is not to be construed as medical advice. Contact your physician for questions related to your personal health needs.