Have you ever received a gift that changed your life? That’s what it felt like for me when I received my service dog, Edison, from the National Education for Assistance Dog Services (NEADS). He has given me the gift of independence!
Having him by my side is such a comforting feeling. We go everywhere together. We often go to NYC which requires a cab to the train station, a train ride, a bus and then some walking. Edison does it all with ease and never complains! Makes me tired just thinking about it!

Game-Changing Advantages of a Service Dog
His incredible training helps me more than words can say. The simple act of dropping a pen in the middle of Grand Central Station would send me into a tizzy thinking about having to ask for help and possibly making a big scene. Now with Edison by my side, I don’t even think that way. A simple command sends us on our way in less than 30 seconds.

The beauty of this dog not only what he does for me, but also the interview process I went through when I applied to NEADS. I first filled out a short but precise application where I had to answer questions about my daily life and schedule. About a week after I sent the application in, I received a call to head to the NEADS campus for an in-person interview. The interview was an in-depth conversation that elaborated on the questions I previously had answered in the application, and more! Questions like: What time do I wake up in the morning? What time I go to sleep? What does a typical day look like? The staff covered all details so they could match me with the dog that would best suit my needs.

Once the interview was done, the waiting began! It was a year later that I got the call that a dog has been matched to my needs! A month later I went to the training facility to learn how to work with my new pal.
Now, after a year and a half of our partnership, I can definitely say that Edison is the greatest gift I’ve ever gotten!
Meet Sarah Best in person at Abilities Expo New York Metro, May 4-6, 2018 at the New Jersey Convention & Expo Center.