Google “dance quotes” and you’ll get everything from poetic to cliché to biblical. So…to sum up…dance like no one is watching because there is a time to mourn and a time to dance, which is the hidden language of the soul. Hmmm, perhaps not. Abilities Expo fan favorite and Push Girl Auti Angel says, “Dancing is a state of mind.” Let’s go with that. The following certainly did!
She Won’t Give Up
Donna Russo gave another moving performance to Jason Mraz’ I Won’t Give Up at the Bay Area Abilities Expo. A professional dancer for decades, she has not allowed her diagnosis of FSH Muscular Dystrophy to keep her from dancing. I Won’t Give Up, choreographed by Tam Warner, also features the talented Tara Hughes and Kelleia Sheerin who act as Donna’s alter egos, performing the graceful dance moves to the full range of motion that Donna can no longer achieve. Warning: Tissue may be required for this viewing.
It’s a Prop, Not a Crutch
We don’t know his name, but we love to watch him dance! This video, posted by a Sydney-based radio station, features a young man with some impressive breakdancing moves.
Access with AXIS
Bay Area-based AXIS Dance Company is a trailblazer in the world integrated dance, pairing performers with and without disabilities in such powerful dance performances as the following, entitled Divide.
You Can Hip-hop Wheelchair Dance, Too!
Auti Angel was not only an early pioneer of hip hop wheelchair dance, she leads workshops at Abilities Expo to open people’s eyes to their own hidden dancing abilities. With just a bit of instruction, crowds of people are finding their own unique rhythm and experiencing the physical and emotional benefits of dancing.